
Relationships Matter

Star Ratings

Relationships Matter  = Respect

Relationships Matter = Excellence

Relationships Matter = Lifestyles

Relationships Matter = Accountability

Relationships Matter = Traditional

Relationships Matter = Innovative

Relationships Matter = Opportunities

Relationships Matter = Nurturing

Relationships Matter = Service

Relationships Matter = Holistic

Relationships Matter = Integrated

Relationships Matter = Professional

Relationships Matter = Seamless

Relationships Matter = Meaningful

Relationships Matter = Accessible

Relationships Matter = Tribal

Relationships Matter = Timely

Relationships Matter = Efficient

Relationships Matter = Responsibility

Current Job Opportunities

You can find all of our current job postings on Head over to or follow the link below. You may also find us by searching for Feather River Tribal Health using the Indeed app on your smartphone or tablet.

Head over to our Indeed Page by clicking here.

Our mission is to elevate the health status of the Native American people in our service area and all people in our communities to the highest level possible through a comprehensive system of preventive and therapeutic services.

Contact Us

Please do not use for scheduling appointments.

Call 530-534-5394 for appointments


Glenda Nelson, Board Chair

Enterprise Rancheria